# Art Tokens Printable tokens for *Magic: The Gathering*, illustrated with public-domain artwork.

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## The art The art on the cards is almost all in the public domain, because it's that old. And look how beautiful and fun and surprising it is! Finding all the art was a wonderful journey. You'll see each artwork's title and creator (or a similar note) at the bottom of the card. Some cards have Creative Commons licensing restrictions noted, and the rest are in the public domain. I am especially grateful to these wonderful sites, roughly in order: - [Artvee](https://artvee.com/), which provides fabulous curation of high-quality art, with interesting bios and easy download. - [Public Domain Review](https://publicdomainreview.org/), which provides wonderful curation and fascinating articles. - [The Rijksmuseum](https://www.rijksmuseum.nl), which has a wonderful user experience. - [The Flickr commons](https://www.flickr.com/commons). - [The Wellcome Collection](https://wellcomecollection.org/images). - [The MET](https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search). - [MoMa.co.uk](https://www.moma.co.uk/public-domain-images/#collections), for their incredible list of public-domain-image sources. - [The National Gallery of Art](https://www.nga.gov/open-access-images.html). - [Europeana](https://www.europeana.eu/en/collections/topic/47-art-of-painting). - [Museo](https://museo.app), a super little open-source tool for searching many collections at once. - [The Minneapolis Institute of Art](https://collections.artsmia.org/). - [The Art Institute of Chicago](https://www.artic.edu/collection). What a gorgeous site, with great write-ups. - [The Lootwijk Scope](https://www.tumblr.com/lootwijk), a lovely personal blog of interesting images. And many places that I found after a more general search. Thank you for sharing.
## Rights This is my personal project. I'm pretty sure it's all within the terms of the Wizards Fan Content Policy, but for the record: *Art Tokens is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the [Fan Content Policy](https://company.wizards.com/en/legal/fancontentpolicy). Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.* Otherwise everything I've created here is © Arthur Attwell 2023. If you print your own copies to play with, don't sell them or call them your own.
## About I'm [Arthur](https://arthurattwell.com). I started creating Magic cards with my son in 2020, when we created our own, unofficial [*Harry Potter* Magic cards](https://spellbound.leagueofmasks.com), and I found myself entranced by public-domain art. I also created [Collectible](https://collectible.leagueofmasks.com), a tabletop card-game, with public-domain art. Find that and other games and game pieces at [The League of Masks](https://leagueofmasks.com). So far, these tokens are for my own decks, and ones my friends ask for. If you'd like to see specific tokens here, [let me know](mailto:league@arthurattwell.com).